Cost of Attendance

Estimate Your Cost of College

Know up front what your estimated costs are for earning your online degree at University of Arkansas Grantham. The Needs Analysis – or Cost of Attendance – below gives you a clear picture of what you need to budget to attend the University. This calculation is used to determine your “financial need,” which is the basis of financial aid award packages, as well as eligibility for other types of financial assistance.

Indirect and Direct Costs

Both direct and indirect costs make up the cost of attendance.

  • Direct costs are usually paid directly to the university. These include tuition, fees and books.
  • Indirect costs are additional expenses you may incur while attending school, which are not paid to the University.

Even though University of Arkansas Grantham is 100% online, we are permitted by federal regulations to include reasonable cost for additional expenses you may incur while attending the University.

The following budget items are included as part of the Cost of Attendance for 2019-2020:

  • Tuition
  • Books, supplies and miscellaneous fees
  • Loan fees (if applicable)
  • Personal expenses, including food and housing

Example of Budget and Needs Analysis Calculation for an Academic Year

Budget Items
Needs Analysis Calculation
Tuition (24 credit hours)
Cost of Attendance
= Financial Need
Personal Expenses
Loan Fees
Cost of Attendance (Budget)

We look forward to helping you earn a highly targeted online degree in the most affordable way possible. Call University of Arkansas Grantham today at (800) 955-2527 to find out about our low tuition rates and other financial assistance opportunities that may be available to you.